Tooling Up!

I'm pretty excited!

I just received my brand new, hot off the press, 2021 16th edition of the Graphic Artists' Guild Handbook - Pricing and Ethical Guidelines.

It's very cool. 

I  have just started to dip in to it but I am already impressed with the wisdom and guidance it has to offer.
Pricing Handbook with Tea cup
I'm pretty excited.

I just received my brand new, hot off the press, 2021 16th edition of the Graphic Artists' Guild Handbook - Pricing and Ethical Guidelines. It's very cool.

I have just started to dip in to it but I am already impressed with the wisdom and guidance it has to offer.
This hefty 480-page resource includes sections on running a successful graphic arts business, licensing, marketing, salary ranges, pricing guidelines, protecting your intellectual property, and understanding contracts. 

It has a rich resource section of relevant books, organizations, and classes. There are also 40 pages of useful forms and letter templates. Plus a handy membership form for the Graphic Artists' Guild! (Annual membership is just $75 for a student, up to $200 professional; with monthly payment options available.)
The handbook's crowning feature is the pricing and salary information, which is broken down by discipline: graphic design, web design, illustration, cartooning, animation, and surface pattern design. But beyond these categories, there is plenty of valuable information for sculptors, painters, handcraft artists, and all sorts of creative entrepreneurs.
If you are a visual artist working in any media, style, or professional context - whether you work independently, as a freelance designer, or as an employee for a company - you would probably benefit from having this book in your life.  

If you are just starting on your professional art journey, this will get you headed in the right direction. If you have been on this creative path for many years, this book will certainly give you new inspiration to tool up the business aspects of your studio.

You don't have to be a member of the Graphic Artists' Guild to purchase their handbook - but you might want to join for the value of that network. (And remember: professional dues are a deductible business expense!)

It's easy to find the handbook online from different sources. I ordered it through Penguin Books. The worldwide distributor is the MIT Press.

I bought mine for $49.95 and I have no doubt it will worth every penny over the years.

I hope this little Tool Tip enhances your professional journey as a thriving artist!

Love & Ribbons
Hilary Oak

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