The Symbolism of the Cheerful Strength Knot

The Cheerful Strength logo is a complex Celtic knot which represents the inter-related nature of all Beings.

Each of us is a strand that connects to create a beautiful whole design. Our connections are seamless, and there is no way to determine where our influence begins and ends.

We are all One!

This image is my digital re-mix of a colored pencil drawing I created in the summer of 2015. This was at a time when I was planning my move from the northern Adirondacks to the Hudson Valley – a very important turning point in my life.

Celtic designs and symbols have always resonated with me for their strong, positive energy.

~ Hilary Oak

Celtic Knot in Deep Blue by Hilary Oak
“Cheerful Knot” – digital re-mix of a drawing in colored pencil by Hilary Oak.
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